The Human Robot Interaction community maintains a mailing lists: hri-announcement. To subscribe, please send an email to with the following text in the body of the message. The subject does not matter.
Subscribe HRI-ANNOUNCEMENT@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG <first name> <last name>
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The list is currently moderated by Ella Velner, University of Twente, NL.
- Human-Robot Interaction: A historical perspective and current research trends — A community document by Michael Goodrich and Alan Schultz.
- Human-Robot Interaction — An Introduction — The first text book on Human-Robot Interaction published by Cambridge University Press. The book chapters are available for free as PDFs. Authored by Christoph Bartneck, Tony Belpaeme, Friederike Eyssel, Takayuki Kanda, Merel Keijsers, and Selma Šabanović.