Posts by Kanda

HRI 2014 — Bielefeld, Germany

HRI 2014—the Ninth Annual Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2014) will be held in Bielefeld, Germany  in March 2014.  More information can be found at the conference website. Bielefeld, Germany photo credit (used under a Creative Commons License).

HRI 2013 — Tokyo, Japan

HRI 2013—the Eighth Annual Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2013) was held in Tokyo, Japan  in March 2013.  More information can be found at the conference website. Tokyo, Japan photo credit (Used under Creative Commons License).

Finding a Unifying Theme

There are multiple ways to frame HRI as a field. One approach is to treat HRI as a resurgent emphasis and extension of previous work in human factors, teleoperation, and supervisory control. Another approach to framing HRI is to view it as a new field that includes a convergence of previous work with new research problems caused by some new capability that fundamentally changes the problem. We assert ...


Robotic technology is introduced to a domain either to allow a human to do a task that they could not do before, or to make the task easier or more pleasant for the human. Implicit in this assertion is the fact that introducing technology fundamentally changes the way that humans do the task. Task-shaping is a term that emphasizes the importance of considering how the task should be done and will be ...

Adaptation, Learning, and Training

Although robot adaptation and learning have been addressed by many researchers, training of humans appears to have received comparatively little attention in the HRI literature, even though this area is very important. One reason for this apparent trend is that an often unstated goal of HRI is to produce systems that do not require significant training. This appears to hold partly because many robot ...


HRI problems are not restricted to a single human and a single robot, though this is certainly one important type of interaction. Robots used in search and rescue, for example, are typically managed by two or more people, each with special roles in the team [144, 145]. Similarly, managing Unmanned/Uninhabited Air Vehicles (UAVs) is typically performed by at least two people: a “pilot”, who is responsible ...

Information Exchange

Figure 4. Types of human–robot interaction. Counterclockwise from top left: haptic robot interaction from Georgia Tech [102], a “physical icon” for flying a UAV from Brigham Young University, peer-to-peer interaction with the robot Kaspar from the University of Hertfordshire [298], teleoperation of NASA’s Robonaut [205], a PDA-based interface for flying a UAV from Brigham Young University, gesture- ...


Designing autonomy consists of mapping inputs from the environment into actuator movements, representational schemas, or speech acts. There are numerous formal definitions of autonomy and intelligence in the literature [63-67], many of which arise in discussions of adjustable or dynamic autonomy [68]. One operational characterization of autonomy that applies to mobile robots is the amount of time that ...


Contributors: The original survey was written by Michael Goodrich and Alan Schultz.   Lanny Lin made contributions in March 2012.   Table of contents


1. Tesla, N. Tesla’s boat. [cited; Available from: 2. Webster’s Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary. 1966, Springfield, Massachusetts: G. and C. Merriam Company. 3. Rosheim, M.E., Leonardo’s Lost Robot. 2006, Berlin: Springer Verlag. 4. Homer, The Iliad. Vol. Book XVIII. circa 800 BC. 5. Wiener, N., God and Golem Inc.: A Comment on Certain ...