

This website is maintained by the co-chairs of the HRI Steering Committee. Below is information on how to maintain this website using the admin interface.

  • The featured images/stories (what will show on the homepage immediately under the header) can be created and edited under the Slider Items menu on the left sidebar.
  • The news posts can be created using the Add New function under the Posts menu and by adding the “News” category to the post.
  • The conferences can be added using the same function, but by using the “Conference” category. A high-quality theme image should be included in the post and as the featured image. More information below on how to find appropriate images. The title of the post should follow the same format as previous posts (e.g., “HRI 2013 — Tokyo, Japan”).
  • The journal and steering committee  pages can be edited using the Pages menu on the left sidebar.
  • The latest updates are done through a twitter account hriportal. The account is integrated into the website, but website visitors can also subscribe to the twitter feed. Entries into the twitter account should be made through the twitter website, which will update the feed on the website automatically.
    • The news posts are intended for infrequent news items such as a new issue of the HRI journal or announcements on where a conference will be held. The latest updates are intended for frequent updates such as upcoming events and deadlines and repeated reminders.
  • All images used on the website should have a Creative Commons License that allows us to use the image for non-commercial purposes with attribution. A good way of finding such images is to search for keywords at Flickr using the advanced search functionality and by specifying the license type.
  • For all new posts and entries, the “Allow Comments” and “Allow Pings” options should disabled, as these options allow spammers to post comments on the website.