Poster Session Schedule

Poster IDs Tuesday (9:45 – 10:45) Tuesday (16:10 – 17:10) Wednesday (9:45 – 10:45) Wednesday (16:00 – 17:00)
1 Interactively Explaining Robot Policies to Humans in Integrated Virtual and Physical Training Environments Multi-modal Language Learning: Explorations on learning Japanese Vocabulary Bridging the Gap: Early Education on Robot and AI Ethics through the Robot Theater Platform in an Informal Learning Environment
2 A Generalizable Architecture for Explaining Robot Failures Using Behavior Trees and Large Language Models Investigating the Effect of Driving Support Robot Depending on Driver Characteristics Synergizing Natural Language Towards Enhanced Shared Autonomy Development of Meal Partner Robot and Applications Towards Enriching Mealtime Experience
3 Joint Attention Estimation during Multi-party Facilitation Using Multi-Modal Fusion Goes to the Heart: Speaking the User’s Native Language Opportunities for Human‚Äîmulti-agent Systems in Space: Thematic Analysis of Interviews with U.S. Space Force Guardians Transparency Classification for HRI with Humanoid Service Robots
4 An Advanced Desktop Humanoid Robot for Emotional Support with Flexible Motion and Artificial Intelligence Human States and Nonverbal Cues in Multi-party Facilitation: A Statistical Perspective Towards Developing an Active Listening Counseling Robot for Multiple Generations: A Text Mining Study on Emotional Expression of the Elderly and the Young Unveiling the Dynamics of Human Decision-Making: From Strategies to False Beliefs in Collaborative Human-Robot Co-Learning Tasks
5 Creating Virtual Patients using Robots and Large Language Models: A Preliminary Study with Medical Students How Robot Comes into Our Life in Urban Public Space: A Participatory Study The Way You See Me – Comparing Results from Online Video-Taped and In-Person Robotic Storytelling Research Using Exploratory Search to Learn Representations for Human Preferences
6 Biased Attention Near iCub’s Hand After Collaborative HRI Egg-Laying Robot to Enhance Mind Perception of Children and Parents Nursing Staff’s Attitudes, Needs, and Preferences for Care Robots in Assisted Living Facilities: A Systematic Literature Review On the Pitfalls of Learning to Cooperate with Self Play Agents Checkpointed to Capture Humans of Diverse Skill Levels
7 Ain’t Misbehavin’ ‚Äì Using LLMs to Generate Expressive Robot Behavior in Conversations with the Tabletop Robot Haru Effects of Transparency in Humanoid Robots – A Pilot Study Learning to Control an Android Robot Head for Facial Animation MOE-Hair: Toward Soft and Compliant Contact-rich Hair Manipulation and Care
8 A Robot Dialogue Authoring Interface with Smart Capabilities Exploring Large Language Models for Trajectory Prediction: A Technical Perspective Measuring Variations in Workload during Human-Robot Collaboration through Automated After-Action Reviews Three Challenges in Utilizing Machine Learning to Predict Human Behavior from Observational Data
9 An Exploration of Mock Scenarios as a Prospective Method for Informing Law and Policy Thinking on Service Robotics Embo: A Wearable Robot Transforming Child-Directed Verbal Aggression into Tactile Feedback MuModaR: Multi-modal Framework for Human-Robot Collaboration in Cyber-physical Systems What Should a Robot Do? Comparing Human and Large Language Model Recommendations for Robot Deception
10 A Pilot Investigation of Human Preference for Robot Arm Visual Form In Gaze We Trust: Comparing Eye Tracking, Self-report, and Physiological Indicators of Dynamic Trust during HRI Touch from Robots Loses to Chatting via Text: A Comparative Study of Sympathy Demonstrated Using Text, Robot Arm, and Qoobo Developing a Safety Motion Planning Model for General Users Based on Motion Planning with Speed Variation in Human-Industrial Robot Collaboration (HIRC)
11 Deploying a Robotic ride-on Car in the Hospital to Reduce the Stress of Pediatric Patients before Surgery Improving Human-Robot Team Transparency with Eye-tracking based Situation Awareness Assessment Toward Personalized Tour-Guide Robot: Adaptive Content Planner based on Visitor’s Engagement
12 Adversarial Robots as Creative Collaborators Generating Relevant Referring Expressions with GAIA: A Givenness Advised Incremental Algorithm Learning Action Conditions for Automatic Behavior Tree Generation from Human Demonstrations Impact of Body Movement and Teleoperation Interface on Operator’s Performance
13 AR-STAR: An Augmented Reality Tool for Online Modification of Robot Point Cloud Data Design of Social Features for Robot-mediated Cross-cultural Interaction Operationally Realistic Human-Autonomy Teaming Task Simulation to Study Multi-Dimensional Trust Using Proxemics as a Corrective Feedback Signal during Robot Navigation
14 A Visual Design Space for One-Dimensional Intelligible Human-Robot Interaction Visualizations Drone Fail Me Now: How Drone Failures Affect Trust and Risk-Taking Decisions More Than Meets the Eye? An Experimental Design to Test Robot Visual Perspective-Taking Facilitators Beyond Mere-Appearance Would you Trust a Robot that Distrusts you?: Unveiling the Impact of Robot Trust Disclosure on Human Trust
15 Designing Healthcare Robots at Home for Older Adults: A Kano Model Perspective Handling Working Memory Knowledge Through a Consultant-Level Resource Management Strategy Let’s Make this Fun!: Activities to Motivate Children and Teens to Complete Questionnaires What Is It Like for Visually Impaired Individuals To Touch a Table-Top Humanoid Robot?
16 Design Principles for Building Robust Human-Robot Interaction Machine Learning Models DRAWBOT: Making Everyday Objects Interactive Predicting Human Teammate’s Workload Adaptive Second Language Tutoring Using Generative AI and a Social Robot
17 A Human-Centered Evaluation of Visualization Techniques for Teleoperated Assembly Tasks for Non-Expert Users Electromyography-based Kinesthetic Teaching of Industrial Collaborative Robots Work Tempo Instruction Framework for Balancing Human Workload and Productivity in Repetitive Task What we Learn on the Streets: Situated Human-robot Interactions from an Industry Perspective
18 Designing Social Educational Robots: How User Participation Shapes Acceptance Exploring Preferences in Human-Robot Navigation Plan Proposal Representation Towards a Path Planning and Communication Framework for Seamless Human-Robot Assembly Investigating the Efficacy of Pain Relief Through a Robot’s Stroking with Speech
19 What Will You Do Next?” Designing and Evaluating Explanation Generation Using Behavior Trees for Projection-Level XAI” How Do Robot Experts Measure the Success of Social Robot Navigation? Software Architecture to Generate Assistive Behaviors for Social Robots Unlocking Potentials of Virtual Reality as a Research Tool in Human-Robot Interaction: A Wizard-of-Oz Approach
20 Adapting Task Difficulty in a Cup-Stacking Rehabilitative Task DualTake: Predicting Takeovers across Mobilities for Future Personalized Mobility Services More Effective Robotic UV Disinfection of Objects Through Human Guidance Creating a Framework for a User-Friendly Cobot Failure Management in Human-Robot Collaboration
21 Collaborative Robots Can Support Young Adults with Disabilities in Vocational Education and Training Drawings for Insight on Preschoolers’ Perception of Robots Pseudo-haptics Interfaces for Robotic Teleoperation Is there Really an Effect of Time Delays on Perceived Fluency and Social attributes between Humans and Social Robots? A Pilot Study
22 Snapbot: Enabling Dynamic Human Robot Interactions for Real-Time Computational Photography Introducing Personas and Scenarios to Highlight Older Adults’ Perspectives on Robot-Mediated Communication Probing the Inductive Biases of a Gaze Model for Multi-party Interaction Interactive Robot Programming Inspired by Dog Training: an Exploratory Study
23 An Exploratory Study on People’s Intuitive Understanding of Expressive Robot Behavior Investigating Causality in Parent-Toddler-Robot Interaction Multimodal Strategies for Robot-to-human Communication Using AI Planning for Managing Affective States in Social Robotics
24 Compete, Cooperate, or Both? Exploring How Interaction Settings Shape Human-Robot Interaction Integrating ChatGPT with Blockly for End-User Development of Robot Tasks PaBo Bot: Paper Box Robots for Everyone Taking Initiative in Human-Robot Action Teams: How Proactive Robot Behaviors Affect Teamwork
25 Attitudes towards Social Robots (ASOR): Revisiting the Scale with Four Types of Robots Investigating Effects of Multimodal Topic-continuance Recognition on Human-Robot Interviewing Interaction Perspectives on Level of Autonomy Decisions in Space Robotics Expert Perception of Teleoperated Social Exercise Robots
26 A Robot-Administered ICU Confusion Assessment with Brain-Computer Interface Control BCI Exploration of User Responses to Vulnerable and Expressive Robot Behaviors The Conversation is the Command: Interacting with Real-World Autonomous Robots Through Natural Language Robotic Gestures, Human Moods: Investigating Affective Responses in Public Interaction
27 Beyond Dyadic Interactions: Assessing Trust Networks in Multi-Human-Robot Teams Human Robot Interaction through an Ontology-based Dialogue Engine Language, Camera, Autonomy! Prompt-engineered Robot Control for Rapidly Evolving Deployment Re-visting the Ultimatum Game: Understanding Responses to Robotic Opponents
28 Approaching Future Robot Technologies via Speculative Role-Playing Influencing Human Performance: Investigating the Effect of Non-humanoid Robot Feedback on Task Performance Prototyping a User Interface for Multi-Robot Speech Control The Space Between Us: Bridging Human and Robotic Worlds in Space Exploration
29 AntHand: Interaction Techniques for Precise Telerobotic Control Using Scaled Objects in Virtual Environments Is Now a Good Time? Opportune Moments for Interacting with an Ikigai Support Robot Pilot Observations of an Autonomous Red Light, Green Light Robot for Interactions with Children with Disabilities Effects of Gestures and Negative Attitudes on Impressions of Lecturing Robots
30 Custom Robotic Device for Quadriplegics Rehabilitation Enabled by Residual Muscle Activation Social Robots in Healthcare: Characterizing Privacy Considerations How to Decrease Negative Impressions towards Multiple Social Robots: A Preliminary Investigation
31 Challenges in Annotating Gesture-Based Cognitive Status in Human-Robot Collaboration Datasets Exploratory Evaluation of a Tabletop Robot With Older Adults Robot Noise: Impact on Electrophysiological Measurements and Recommendations Exploring Cognition and Affect during Human-Cobot Interaction
32 Cycling with Robots: How Long-Term Interaction Experience with Automated Shuttle Buses Shapes Cyclist Attitudes Initial Study on Robot Emotional Expression Using Manpu Preschoolers’ Interactions with Social Robots: Investigating the Potential for Eliciting Metatalk and Critical Technological Thinking Envisioning Mobile Telemanipulator Robots for Long Covid
33 Beyond the Default: The Effects of Adaptable Robot Speed in Industrial Human-Robot Interaction End-User Programming of Robot-Assisted Physical Training Activities through Behaviour-Driven Development Measuring State Utilization During Decision Making in Human-Robot Teams An Evolution of Assistive Robot Control to Meet End-User Ability
34 Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover”: Exploring Discriminatory Behavior in Multi-User-Robot Interaction” Getting Closer to Real-world: Monitoring Humans Working with Collaborative Industrial Robots Surveying Adult Perceptions of Privacy and Attitudes towards Social Robots in the Home
35 Human Impression of Humanoid Robots Mirroring Social Cues Multiplayer Space Invaders: A Platform for Studying Evolving Fairness Perceptions in Human-Robot Interaction The Nose Knows: Using Thermal Imaging to Approximate Children’s Engagement with Robots Towards Understanding the Entanglement of Human Stereotypes and System Biases in Human-Robot Interaction
36 Meet or Call my Robotic Tutor? – The Effect of a Physically vs. Virtually Present Social Robot on Learning Outcomes, Engagement and Perception If [YourName] Can Code, So Can You! End-User Robot Programming For Non-Experts Perspectives on Robotic Systems for the Visually Impaired ORBO: The Emotionally Intelligent Anthropomorphic Robot Enhancing Smartphone Interaction
37 Investigating the Mere Exposure Effect in Relation to Perceived Eeriness and Humaneness of a Social Robot Emotion-Behavior Interplay in Human Animal-Robot Interaction (HARI) Real-World Implicit Association Task for Studying Mind Perception: Insights for Social Robotics Conflict Simulation for Shared Autonomy in Autonomous Driving
38 “Noisy” Matching of Motion Velocity of an Assistive Robot to the Users’ Walking Velocity” Beyond the Black Box: Human Robot Interaction through Human Robot Performances Measuring Visual Social Engagement from Proxemics and Gaze in the Real World
39 Spot Report: An Open-Source and Real-Time Secondary Task for Human-Robot Interaction User Experiments Uncovering Patterns in Humans that Teach Robots through Demonstrations and Feedback
40 Name Pronunciation Extraction and Reuse in Human-Robot Conversations
41 Pioneer: Bengisu Cagiltay
42 Pioneer: Kate Candon
43 Pioneer: Tiffany Horter
44 Pioneer: Haimin Hu
45 Pioneer: Ruben Janssens
46 Pioneer: Matthew Luebbers
47 Pioneer: Eleonore Lumer
48 Pioneer: Yiwei Lyu
49 Pioneer: Elena (Lena) Malnatsky
50 Pioneer: Sachiko Matsumoto
51 Pioneer: Lydia Melles
52 Pioneer: Amal Nanavati SC: Unlocking Human-Robot Dynamics: Introducing SenseCobot, a Novel Multimodal Dataset on Industry 4.0
53 Pioneer: Tuğçe Nur Pekçetin SC: A Lightweight Artificial Cognition Model for Socio-Affective Human-Robot Interaction
54 Pioneer: Vinitha Ranganeni SC: A Long-Range Mutual Gaze Detector for HRI
55 Pioneer: Maria Raposo de Lima SDC 1 SC: Wrapyfi: A Python Wrapper for Integrating Robots, Sensors, and Applications across Multiple Middleware
56 Pioneer: Hugo Simão SDC 2 SC: Benchmark Movement Data Set for Trust Assessment in Human Robot Collaboration
57 Pioneer: Maia Stiber SDC 3 SC: Dataset and Evaluation of Automatic Speech Recognition for Multi-lingual Intent Recognition on Social Robots
58 Pioneer: Sofia Thunberg SDC 4 SC: Evaluation Tools for Human-AI Interactions Involving Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairments
59 Pioneer: Isobel Voysey SDC 5 SC: GARRY: The Gait Rehabilitation Robotic System
60 Pioneer: Nathan White SDC 6 SC: Moving Horizon Planning for Human-Robot Interaction
61 Pioneer: Maciej Wozniak SDC 7 SC: OpenVP: A Customizable Visual Programming Environment for Robotics Applications
62 Pioneer: Yifan Xu SDC 8 SC: PedSUMO: Simulacra of Automated Vehicle-Pedestrian Interaction Using SUMO To Study Large-Scale Effects
63 Pioneer: Zahra Zahedi SDC 9 SC: Probabilistic Fusion of Persons’ Body Features: The Mr. Potato Algorithm
64 Pioneer: Lixiao Zhu SDC 10 SC: REACT: Two Datasets for Analyzing Both Human Reactions and Evaluative Feedback to Robots Over Time
65 SDC 11 SC: RW4T Dataset: Data of Human-Robot Behavior and Cognitive States in Simulated Disaster Response Tasks
66 SDC 12 SC: Sobotify: A Framework for Turning Robots into Social Robots
67 SDC 13 SC: Towards Reproducible Language-Based HRI Experiments: Open-Sourcing a Generalized Choregraphe Project
68 SDC 14 SC: UASOS: An Experimental Environment for Assessing Mental Fatigue & Cognitive Flexibility during Drone Operations
69 SDC 15 SC: Understanding Fatigue Through Biosignals: A Comprehensive Dataset
70 SC: Using 3D Mice to Control Robot Manipulators