• August 24, 2015
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Themes for Submissions

Authors are asked to designate a theme they expect their work to fall under when making a submission. To guide authors in this process, the paragraphs below describe each one of the four themes, providing examples of past contributions to the Conference and the Journal of HRI and listing the program committee members who will manage the review process for submissions to these themes. These themes represent different types of contributions to human-robot interaction and thus involve different criteria for evaluating what constitutes a significant contribution to the field. Common to contributions to all themes is top-quality research that demonstrates technical soundness, methodological rigor, and/or practical usefulness, as has been established by the HRI Community in the last decade.


1. Studies of Human-Robot Interaction

The “Studies of Human-Robot Interaction” theme includes naturalistic and experimental studies of how humans and robots interact in real-world settings or might interact in experimental scenarios to establish new understanding, principles, and design recommendations for human-robot interaction. Submissions under this theme must provide a detailed account of the research method, robot platform and behaviors, manipulations (if any) and measurements used, and data obtained from the study.

Theme Chairs:

Takayuki KandaATR, Japan

Tony Belpaeme, Plymouth University, UK


  • Jenay Beer, University of South Carolina
  • Cindy Bethel, Mississippi State University
  • Elizabeth Broadbent, University of Auckland
  • Dylan Glas, ATR
  • Iolanda Leite, Yale University
  • Vanessa Evers, University of Twente
  • Tatsuya Nomura, Ryukoku University
  • Laurel Riek, University of Notre Dame
  • Maha Salem, Google
  • Fumihide Tanaka, University of Tsukuba
  • Greg Trafton, Naval Research Laboratory

Past contributions on Studies of Human-Robot Interaction:

Brscić, et al. (2015). Escaping from Children’s Abuse of Social Robots. HRI 2015.

Moshkina, et al. (2014). Social engagement in public places: a tale of one robot. HRI2014

Weiss, et al. (2010). Robots asking for directions: the willingness of passers-by to support robots. HRI 2010.

Mutlu, et al. (2009). Footing in human-robot conversations: how robots might shape participant roles using gaze cues. HRI 2009.

Sung, et al. (2008). Housewives or Technophiles?: Understanding Domestic Robot Owners. HRI 2008.

Hayashi, et al. (2007). Humanoid robots as a passive-social medium: a field experiment at a train station. HRI 2007.

Forlizzi, et al. (2007). How robotic products become social products: An ethnographic study of cleaning in the home. HRI 2007.


2. Technical Advances in Human-Robot Interaction

Technical Advances in Human-Robot Interaction” include contributions that describe novel robot systems, algorithms, and computational methods that enable robots to better understand, interact with, and collaborate with their users. Submissions under this theme must present the proposed technology or method in a form that allows replication, such as formal descriptions, pseudocode, or open-sourced code, demonstrate the applicability of the technology for enabling human-robot interaction, and evaluate the soundness of the proposed technology using methods that are best suited to assess technical soundness.

Theme Chair:

Siddhartha Srinivasa, Carnegie Mellon University, USA


  • Ginevra Castellano, Uppsala University
  • Andrea Thomaz, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Anca Dragan, UC Berkeley
  • Julie Shah, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Séverin Lemaignan, Plymouth University
  • Candace Sidner, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
  • Rachid Alami, LAAS/CNRS
  • Bradley Hayes, Yale University
  • Reid Simmons, Carnegie Mellon University

Past contributions on Technical Advances in Human-Robot Interaction:

Nikolaidis,et al. (2015). Efficient Model Learning from Joint-Action Demonstrations for Human-Robot Collaborative Tasks. HRI 2015.

Dragan, et al. (2013). Legibility and Predictability in Robot Motion. HRI 2013.

Gielniak & Thomaz (2012). Enhancing interaction through exaggerated motion synthesisHRI 2012.

Kollar, et al. (2010). Toward Understanding Natural Language Directions. HRI 2010.



3. Human-Robot Interaction Design

The “Human-Robot Interaction Design” theme involves research related to robot design from a broad spectrum of design practices, including form, interaction, and service design. We encourage submissions covering a variety of design methodologies, including iterative prototyping, qualitative and quantitative evaluations, user-centered design, expert interviews, interdisciplinary design, video and animation prototyping, improvisation, crowdsourcing, Wizard-of-Oz, as well as novel methodologies for HRI design. In addition to academic research, we also seek contributions of research papers related to the design of commercial and industrial HRI. Full paper submissions in this category must provide a detailed account of the process followed, as well as resources and materials involved in the design of the robot, the method and outcome of the design’s evaluation, and a clear demonstration of the promise of the new design in enabling human-robot interaction.

Theme Chair:

Guy Hoffman, IDC Herzliya, Israel


  • Wendy Ju, Stanford University
  • Min Kyung Lee, Carnegie Mellon University
  • James Young, University of Manitoba
  • Jenay Beer, University of South Carolina

Past Contributions on Human-Robot Interaction Design:

Hoffman, et al. (2015). Design and Evaluation of a Peripheral Robotic Conversation Companion. HRI 2015.

Sirkin, et al. (2015). Mechanical Ottoman: How Robotic Furniture Offers and Withdraws Support. HRI 2015.

Sabanovic, et al. (2014). Designing Robots in the Wild: In situ Prototype Evaluation for a Break Management RobotJournal of HRI, 2014.

Lee, et al. (2009). The Snackbot: Documenting the Design of a Robot for Long-term Human-Robot Interaction. HRI 2009.


4. Theory and Methods in Human-Robot Interaction

The “Theory and Methods in Human-Robot Interaction” theme includes contributions that provide novel ways of understanding and studying human interactions, needs, and environments that will inform the development of robot technologies, systems, and applications. Submissions that fall under this theme may apply novel theoretical frameworks to the study and design of robots in interaction with humans, describe the use of new methodologies for evaluating human-robot interaction, discuss ethical concerns and other potential societal consequences of HRI, or provide philosophical analyses of issues relevant to the future development and application of interactive robotic systems in society. These submissions must provide rich and rigorously demonstrated knowledge about humans and robots and include evidence-based argumentation appropriate to the disciplines the work draws on.

Theme Chair:

Kerstin Fischer, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark


  • Astrid Weiss, Vienna University of Technology
  • Malte Jung, Cornell University
  • Mark Neerincx, Delft University of Technology

Past Contributions on Theory and Methods in Human-Robot Interaction:

Malle, et al. (2015). Sacrifice One for the Good of Many?: People Apply Different Moral Norms to Human and Robot Agents. HRI 2015.

Fischer, et al. (2012). Levels of Embodiment: Linguistic Analyses of Factors Influencing HRI. HRI 2012.

Pantofaru, et a. (2012). Exploring the role of robots in home organization. HRI 2012.

Steinfeld, et al. (2009). The Oz of Wizard: Simulating the Human for Interaction Research. HRI 2009.

Kahn, et al. (2012). Design Patterns for Sociality in Human-Robot Interaction. HRI 2008.