⚠️ Applications are now closed and SV have been selected. Thank you for applying. ⚠️
Our Student Volunteers

Advay Kumar

Amal Nanavati

Anjiabei Wang

Breanne Crockett

Ekaterina Torubarova

Gal Yaar

Jarod Govers

Jiahe (Michael) Pan

Laetitia Tanqueray

Maggie Collier

Maria Teresa Parreira

Marti De Cet

Massimiliano Nigro

Noah Medrano

Ramtin Tabatabaei

Sara Mongile

Shalutha Rajapakshe

Shaozhang Dai

Stephanie Simangunsong

Tharaka Ratnayake Mudiyanselage
Student Volunteer Program
The Student Volunteer program is looking for students for the 20th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI).
Student Volunteers (SV) are the heart of what makes a conference run smoothly, providing support for various activities at the conference (e.g., registration desk, technical assistance during presentations, demo setup/take down, assistance and support, etc.).
Being an SV is a great way to participate in one of the leading conferences in the HRI research community, expand your knowledge, and network with many fellow students. We would like to include students with diverse backgrounds from everywhere in the world.
Important dates
Applications open: October 11, 2024Applications close: December 20, 2024Announce (accepted SV + waitlist): December 27, 2024Final decision (for waitlist): mid of January maximum
The application form will be opened before you have the final decision regarding the acceptance of your paper(s) for the conference. If this is the case, please update your application via the same link once you have received the final decision. Only up-to-date applications will be taken into account, in the interests of fairness to all applicants.
For those who get a SV position on December 27, 2024 (not those on the waitlist), you will have two weeks to confirm by email that you will attend the conference and agree to be engaged as a SV. This will allow those on the waitlist to be informed whether they get a slot as quickly as possible.
How can I become a Student Volunteer?
At this time, we are unable to announce the exact number of SVs that will be selected. For HRI24, 171 people applied and about 20% became SVs.
This year, we plan to improve the recruitment process and make it more engaging too. There are several ways to become an SV. Though, they all require you to apply via the application form link. Applications sent by email will not be considered.
The selection process will take place in the following order to give a chance to everyone:
1. Nominated by one of the HRI25 organizers (facultative)
It is possible to obtain a slot if you are recommended by one of the HRI25 organizers. Two SV positions will be offered in this way. To be nominated, you will need to apply via the application form link and ask the organizer to send us an email with the reasons why they would like to nominate you.
2. Classic Selection Process
The Classic Selection Process corresponds to the evaluation of your application in the google form and will provide about 70% of available slots. Some criteria include but are not limited to: a clear motivation, a paper submitted and accepted for HRI25, diversity criteria, additional information on how you think you, as a SV, will benefit the conference (including additional skills such as photography, proficiency in multiple languages, accessibility for everyone, technical skills, video editing, etc.), appeal to the conference theme (i.e., Robots for a Sustainable World), etc.
3. Random Selection Process
After selecting the volunteers through the classic selection process, we will randomly recruit (via a spin wheel) about 20% of those who were not selected. This allows us to give a chance to all those who decide to apply but don’t fit the selection criteria we chose.
4. Waitlist
A waitlist will be set up in case any students accepted as SVs withdraw their applications. The same system as the Random Selection Process will be used. That is, people will be randomly chosen to be on the waitlist. If you are selected for the waitlist, you will not be informed of your rank on the waitlist, but will be notified as soon as possible if you are allocated a SV slot.
Frequently asked questions
We have put together some frequently asked questions below:
1. When should I arrive in Melbourne, Australia?
You are requested to be available on-site on March 2, 2025 until March 6, 2025 included. SV must attend the entire conference (March 3-6, 2025; workshop days included) in Melbourne. In addition, a training session (to provide information, tasks, and to meet you) will be offered the day before the conference (March 2, 2025).
2. Do I have to pay the conference registration fee if I am a Student Volunteer member?
No, in gratitude for your help, we would like to offer you the conference registration and workshop fees.
3. Are there any travel support available?
We are not in a position to comment on this at present. Partial coverage of travel and other conference-related expenses have been offered in the past years. However, we cannot guarantee reimbursement for such expenses because this depends on the conference budget.
4. How long do I have to work during the conference?
You will be required to work a certain number of hours during the entire conference, usually around 20 hours (the exact hours will be determined later).. Outside these hours, you are free to do as you wish and to attend the available workshops.
5. What documents do I need to apply?
You will need to provide a document affirming your current student status (study certificate or copy of student card). In the selection process, priority will be given to students with accepted conference or workshop paper(s). However, we still encourage all students to apply for the SV Program.
Any question can be directed to the Student Volunteer Chair Benjamin Lebrun at: sv2025@humanrobotinteraction.org.
We look forward to seeing you at the HRI 2025 conference!