Take advantage of your trip to Australia and connect with our research communities! Australia has an extensive network of robotics, AI, and interactive technology facilities. Through research groups, Labs, National Facilities, and ARC Centres of Excellence, Australian researchers contribute to the advancement of our discipline.

We have curated a list of research centres, labs and facilities in Australia that can be of your interest. We are contacting these labs and groups to organise independent visits or lab tours before and after the HRI’25 conference. Once they authorise to share their contact details in our list, you can contact them directly to discuss the possibility of visiting them during your free days.

Please also notice that these are independent visits and depend on the availability of the host lab. Check the list to confirm that specific labs are accepting visitors.

Please contact us if you think we missed any lab or research groups.

Looking forward to seeing you at HRI’25 or around Australia!