Videos and Demos


We invite authors to submit videos related to all aspects of HRI. Videos should be self-explanatory for the audience, of scientific relevance, and fun to watch. Videos will be peer-reviewed by assessing the importance of the lessons learned, the impact of the content, and the novelty of the situation shown in the video. Accepted videos will be published in the conference companion proceedings and archived in the ACM Digital Library.


We offer the opportunity to demonstrate innovative ideas and advances in HRI. We invite demonstration proposals for cutting-edge systems that make interaction with robots more intuitive, seamless, and pleasant or otherwise illustrate some aspect of HRI in an exciting and engaging way. Demonstration proposals will be peer-reviewed based on these criteria. Accepted demonstrations will be published in the conference companion proceedings and archived in the ACM Digital Library, and given an opportunity to present their demo at the conference.

Guidelines and Requirements


  • Videos should explain the content using voice overs, and all audio must be captioned to be inclusive to Deaf and hard-of-hearing viewers.
  • Video content should be self-contained and self-explanatory. There will be no live narration or in-person introduction when videos are presented in the session.
  • Video content should not contain advertisements or be heavily promotional in nature.


  • Submission files that are finalized need to be ready to be played as-is, without revision, at the conference. No anonymization is required.
  • Videos should not exceed 3 minutes in length. Titles and credits are recommended to last less than 3 seconds each.
  • The submitted video files cannot exceed 70MB in size.
  • Please use a horizontal resolution of at least 640 pixels. We recommend that you use the maximum resolution permitted within the file size restrictions (please do not exceed 2048 × 1080).
  • Our recommended video format is the .MP4 container format using the H264 codec (main or high profile) for the video track and the AAC codec for audio tracks. Submissions in .AVI, .MOV, or .MKV containers (possibly using other codecs) will also be considered.
  • Authors should verify that their submission is viewable using a recent version of the VLC media player (cross-platform). Ideally, the submitted file will play on computers with recent Linux, OSX, or Windows operating systems without requiring third-party codecs to be installed.
  • Videos should have the aspect ratio correctly set (i.e., playing them should not require user interaction to avoid stretching).


  • Check that audio and video tracks play synchronously if relevant for the submission.
  • Start the video filename with the lead author’s last name.
  • Do not use Digital Rights Management (DRM) on your video file submission.

ACM requires video authors to sign a release granting permission to use the video content for the HRI conference. The copyright of the video remains with the author. Video authors are responsible for obtaining permission for any third-party copyrighted material (music, video, images, etc.) in the video. Such content should not be included unless permission has been obtained prior to submission.

Submission Instructions

For both categories above (videos and demonstrations), please submit a video and an abstract through the submission review website. The abstract should be no longer than 2 pages, excluding references. The abstract must be submitted in PDF format and conform to ACM Proceedings specifications. Please note that we are following the general ACM SIG format (“sigconf”, double column format), not the SIGCHI format. Templates are available at this link (US letter). In addition, ACM has partnered with Overleaf, where you can start writing using this link directly (note that this Overleaf document uses the new ACM workflow by default, which is not what HRI is using; to fix this, make sure the document uses the “sigconf” document class, rather than the “manuscript,screen,review” document class that is enabled in the Overleaf document by default).

The abstract must include:

  • Title
  • Authors (names, affiliation, email, address, etc.).
  • Abstract (max. 100 words) and keywords.
  • One or more figures representing the video or demo overview.
  • Description of the demo, including both a technical overview and an explanation of novelty, importance, and/or usefulness.

Once accepted, the abstract and the related video will be included in the companion proceedings of the HRI conference in the ACM Digital Library and IEEE Xplore.

Important Dates

  • December 7th, 2022 (23:59 AoE): Submission Deadline
  • January 10th, 2023: Notification of Acceptance
  • January 16th, 2023: Camera-ready Version Due

Video Chairs

Tariq Iqbal (University of Virginia, USA)

Fumihide Tanaka (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
