ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction
Virtual Conference*
March 09 –11 (Main Conference)
Workshops to precede and to follow
Note: HopIn access will no longer be available starting at 8 p.m. (MT) on March 11, 2021
Welcome to HRI 2021 – a premier, highly-selective meeting presenting the latest advances in the field of Human-Robot Interaction, with broad participation from a range of disciplines, including robotics, design, engineering, the social sciences and many others. This year, our theme is Bolder HRI, reflecting recent worldwide events and the need for real-world solutions to meet health and societal challenges.
Originally planned to be held in Boulder, CO, USA, the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated a shift to an online virtual formal. We hope that our platform, HopIn, captures some of the experiences of our traditional conference, as well as enabling new ones (Check out the random networking!).
- Plenaries and main paper presentations will take place on the Main Stage, accessed via the ‘Plenary’ button to the left. Here you will be able to watch the keynotes and paper presentations, and ask questions through the chat interface.
- Posters, competitions, and demonstrations will take place in Sessions or Booths, accessible through the corresponding buttons to the left. You can filter based on type of presentation (LBRs, Videos, Pioneers, etc) using the tags along the top. In these events you can join a video call with the presenter and the audience, or watch a pre-recorded video or slides.
- While most materials are available for you to browse in your own time (and timezone), the scheduled sessions are when live Q&A will take place.
- Need help? Come to the Help Desk
- Want to meet someone new? Check out the ‘Networking’ button to the left.
- Despite this change of format, we hope that you will find the program interesting and thought-provoking and that the conference presents a valuable opportunity to share ideas with other researchers and practitioners from institutions around the world.
Important Dates
October 5, 2020 (23:59 AOE): Submission Deadline
November 20, 2020: Review Notification, Rebuttal Period Begins
November 24, 2020: Rebuttal Period Ends
December 07, 2020: Decision Notification
January 05, 2021: Camera-ready Deadline
Author instructions:
Guides to Submission Types:
October 5, 2020 (23:59 AoE): Submission Deadline
January 12, 2021: Camera-ready Deadline
Author instructions:
November 15, 2020: Submission Deadline
December 20, 2020: Notification of Acceptance
Early January, 2021: Camera-ready Deadline
Early March, 2021: HRI Pioneers Workshop
Author instructions:
November 30, 2020: Submission Deadline
January 7, 2021: Notification of Acceptance
January 12, 2021: Final Submission
Author instructions:
December 10, 2020 (23:59 Anywhere on Earth): Submission Deadline
January 08, 2021: Acceptance Notification
January 18, 2021: Camera-ready Deadline
Participant instructions:
December 14, 2020 (23:59 Anywhere on Earth): Submission Deadline
January 08, 2021: Notification of acceptance
January 18, 2021: Final camera-ready deadline
LBR Author instructions:
Videos & Demo Instructions:
HRI 2021 is the 16th annual conference for basic and applied human-robot interaction research. Researchers from across the world present their best work to HRI to exchange ideas about the theory, technology, data, and science furthering the state-of-the-art in human-robot interaction.
Each year, the HRI Conference highlights a particular area through a theme. The theme of HRI 2021 is “Bolder Human-Robot Interaction.”
The HRI conference is a highly selective annual international conference that aims to showcase the very best interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research in human-robot interaction with roots in and broad participation from communities that include but are not limited to robotics, artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, human factors, design, and social and behavioral sciences.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, the conference is currently planned to be fully virtual.
We also acknowledge that many authors are concerned with how the pandemic has affected the feasibility of conducting in-person user studies. We want to stress that user studies are not the only possible means of assessing a research contribution. We encourage authors to consider the many other ways that contributions can be validated, and we will stress in the reviewing guidelines that, for many of the submitted works, user studies might not necessarily be the most appropriate, nor an indispensable method to demonstrate validity or provide valuable insights to the research community.
Platinum Supporters
Gold Supporters
Silver Supporters
Conference Sponsors