The 15th Annual ACM/IEEE HRI Conference theme is “Real World Human-Robot Interaction”. Researchers from across the world present their best work to HRI to exchange ideas about the theory, technology, data, and science furthering the state-of-the-art in human-robot interaction. The Late-Breaking Reports (LBR) venue at HRI provides authors with the opportunity to present their work and receive feedback over exciting cutting-edge and experimental research to the community. It is also an excellent opportunity for researchers new to the field to participate in the conference.
All LBR submissions will undergo blind peer-review and will be published in the companion proceedings of the conference, which will appear in both the ACM Digital Library and IEEE Xplore. LBRs will be presented at a poster session during the main conference.
10 December 2019: Submission deadline3 January 2020: Notification of acceptance8 January 2020: Final camera-ready deadline
Authors must submit their LBRs as a 2-page article (excluding references, which do not count towards submission length). Please note that we are following the general ACM SIG format, not the SIGCHI format. Authors should use the sample-sigconf.tex or interim_layout.docx template files. In addition, the ACM has partnered with Overleaf, where authors can start writing using this link directly. (Note, despite previous announcements, we will not be moving to the new ACM workflow this year).
Authors are encouraged to consult prior years’ submissions to understand the scope and focus of LBR submissions and can find further guidelines about the HRI conference at the main conference website. Submit your LBR paper via the PCS system. Publications should be fully anonymized at the time of submission. For additional information, authors may refer to the main conference anonymization guidelines. Due to a tight publication deadline with the publisher, all submitted abstracts should be “camera-ready” at the time of submission (i.e., proofread, spell-checked, etc.).
Similar to previous years, LBRs will be reviewed using a mutual blind peer review process to ensure all authors receive feedback on their work and to help encourage and invigorate the HRI community. This means that at least one author of each LBR submission must agree to review two other LBRs. Submissions will also receive an additional review from an external reviewer to broaden the scope of LBR feedback. Reviews will consist of a single paragraph and a brief questionnaire regarding the quality and relevance of the work submitted.
Poster Size
Posters can be maximum A0 portrait size.
Late-Breaking Reports Chairs
Daniel Szafir (University of Colorado Boulder, USA)
Daniel J. Rea (University of Manitoba, Canada)
Patrícia Alves-Oliveira (ISCTE-IUL, INESC-ID, Cornell University, Portugal and the US)
LBR Reviewers
HRI2020 LBR track received almost 90% more submissions than the prior year. To maintain our reviewing standards, we had to recruit many more reviewers who worked hard over the holidays to make sure each late-breaking report received constructive reviews. The LBR co-chairs would like to thank all reviewers for the contribution of their time and expertise:
Tahir Abbas, Abhijeet Agnihotri, Shivendra Agrawal, Muneeb Ahmad, Gopika Ajaykumar, Chinenye Ajibo, Samir Aknine, Safinah Ali, Rahatul Ananto, Sean Andrist, Stephanie Arevalo, Ashratuz Zavin Asha, João Avelino, Minja Axelsson, Matthew Aylett, Hebert Azevedo Sa, Alexandra Bacula, Kim Baraka, Wolmet Barendregt, Mads Bärenholdt, Pablo Barros, Paul Baxter, Mads Bering Christiansen, Dario Bertero, Tapomayukh Bhattacharjee, Francesca Bianco, Ardavan Bidgoli, Elin Björling, Lærke Bøg, Hannah Bradwell, Paul Bremner, Elizabeth Broadbent, Connor Brooks, Drazen Brscic, Hendrik Buschmeier, Maria Cabrera, Natalia Calvo Barajas, Elizabeth Carter, Shruti Chandra, Christine Chang, Mohamed Chetouani, Vivian Chu, Houston Claure, Filipa Correia, Marta Couto, Ronald Cumbal, Rossana Damiano, Mirjam de Haas, Alicja Depka Prondzinska, Matthieu Destephe, Alessandro Di Nuovo, Stefania Druga, Brittany Duncan, Chad Edwards, Maha Elgarf, Giovanni Ercolano, Shantal Ewell, S. Maryam Fakhr Hosseini, Miguel Faria, Kerstin Fischer, Naomi Fitter, Vinitha Gadiraju, Marialejandra Garcia Corretjer, Hideki Garcia Goo, Denise Y. Geiskkovitch, Theodoros Georgiou, Ayan Ghosh, Jean‐Christophe Giger, Sarah Gillet, Dylan Glas, Matthew Gombolay, David Gonçalves, Adriana Lorena González, Mitsuhiro Goto, Elena Corina Grigore, Tiago Guerreiro, Darren Guinness, Dylan Hadfield-Menell, Kasper Hald, Nour Hammad, Jeonghye Han, Mojgan Hashemian, Teena Hassan, Yugo Hayashi, Bradley Hayes, Hooman Hedayati, Erin Hedlund, Damith Herath, Laura Hiatt, Laura Hoffmann, Shanee Honig, Aike Horstmann, Chien-Ming Huang, Bahar Irfan, Ryan Blake Jackson, Alexis Jacq, Hifza Javed, Myounghoon Jeon, Gabriella Johnson, Swapna Joshi, Wendy Ju, Malte Jung, Takayuki Kanda, Junko Kanero, Michal Kapinus, Marcel Kaufmann, Merel Keijsers, James Kennedy, Matthias Kerzel, Johan Kildal, Jinwook Kim, Boyoung Kim, Jung Yeop Kim, Yunjoo Kim, Heather Knight, Espen Knoop, Tomoko Koda, Bing Cai Kok, Takanori Komatsu, Dimosthenis Kontogiorgos, Sooraj Krishna, Ivana Kruijff-Korbayová, Alap Kshirsagar, Alyssa Kubota, Divyanshu Kumar Singh, Sonya Kwak, Maria Kyrarini, Guy Laban, Amy LaViers, Wen-Ying Lee, Hee Rin Lee, Stephanie Lehmann, Séverin Lemaignan, Lundy Lewis, Yuanchao Li, Jamy Li, Chaolan Lin, Matthew Luebbers, Maria Luce Lupetti, Michal Luria, Bethany Mackey, Simon Manschitz, Mina Marmpena, Nikolas Martelaro, Zdenek Materna, Christoforos Mavrogiannis, Stephen McGuire, Peter McKenna, George Mois, Christos Mousas, Omar Mubin, Carl Mueller, Bilge Mutlu, Emilyann Nault, Oliver Niebuhr, Stefanos Nikolaidis, Lejla Nukovic, Mohammad Obaid, Yuki Okafuji, Raquel Oliveira, Anastasia Ostrowski, Maike Paetzel, Oskar Palinko, Raul Paradeda, Shalv Parekh, Chung Hyuk Park, Hae Won Park, Dario Pasquali, Andre Pereira, Giulia Perugia, Sofia Petisca, Ana Pires, Kathrin Pollmann, Brittany Postnikoff, David Puljiz, Mattia Racca, Daniel Rakita, Aditi Ramachandran, Rebecca Ramnauth, Matthias Rehm, Tiago Ribeiro, Andoni Rivera-Pinto, Lionel Robert, Carmina Rodriguez, Raquel Ros, Eric Rosen, Astrid Rosenthal-von der Pütten, Martin Ross, Alessandra Rossi, Eitan Rothberg, Matthew Rueben, Maram Sakr, Yoan Sallami, Eduardo Sandoval, Riki Satogata, Sebastian Schneider, Lena Schramm, Simon Schreibelmayr, Trenton Schulz, Emmanuel Senft, Stela Seo, Sofia Serholt, Rohin Shah, Xun Shen, Eli Sheppard, Masahiro Shiomi, Elaine Short, Jivko Sinapov, David Sirkin, Elizabeth Sklar, Christopher Smith, Harold Soh, Sichao Song, Megan Strait, Sarah Strohkorb Sebo, Rachel Stuck, Michael Suguitan, Ming Sun, Craig Sutherland, Aaquib Tabrez, Moonyoung Tae, Xiang Zhi Tan, Matthew Tang, Angelique Taylor, Zhansaule Telisheva, Hamish Tennent, Sam Thellman, Sofia Thunberg, Noé Tits, Nils Tolksdorf, Greg Trafton, Nhan Tran, Silvia Tulli, Rianne van den Berghe, Marike van den Broek, Kyana van Eijndhoven, Michael Walker, Christopher Wallbridge, Xinyi Wang, Anran Wang, Ruchen Wen, Andrew B. Williams, Randi Williams, Tom Williams, Katie Winkle, Pieter Wolfert, Baijun Xie, Miguel Xochicale, Elmira Yadollahi, Yiju Yang, Hang Yin, James E. Young, Chuang Yu, Yuval Zak, Priscilla Zhang, Clement Zheng, Shuo Zhou, Tom Ziemke, Shai Zucker