Instructions for uploading pre-recorded video presentations (UPDATED March 19)
Authors of full papers, alt.HRI papers, demonstrations, Late Breaking Reports and Student Design Competition are invited to send in a pre-recorded video presentation. These videos will be hosted on the ACM SIGCHI YouTube channel, where they can be viewed publicly.
Update on Videos:
In order to facilitate video uploads and to reduce the load of emails with questions regarding upload, we decided to make the upload links public on the website.
Furthermore we extended the deadline until March 27.
We have folders for every type of submission.
The password is always the same: videohri2020
Links expire March 27
These are the upload links:
Full Paper:
how to UPLOAD
- Name video either with DOI: Please name your video using the DOI of your paper if applicable (e.g. full papers already have a DOI), e.g., for it would be 3380624.mp4.
- OR without a DOI name it as follows: {contactauhorlastname}_{firstthreewordsoftitle}.mp4 (for instance: rosenthalvonderpuetten_contextmattersidentifying.mp4). Please notice it is the contact author. Regardless of who agreed to present, there is one contact author specified in PCS and this is the last name we expect you to use.
- Please choose the correct folder for your submission type.
- Simply drag and drop videos into the respective folder.
- Once you have done this, the file is automatically stored and cannot be deleted. Please do NOT drag and drop multiple times just to “test something”, because this will just unnecessarily fill up our data storage space.
- There will be no individual notifications that we received videos.
- Once the deadline has expired all videos will be briefly checked and then be uploaded via ACM into the ACM SIGCHI YouTube channel. In case a video is not working as expected we will contact the contact author.
- Videos will be organized in a playlist in sessions – like they would have been in the original conference.
- It is NOT possible to process additional files. If you want to have text included, please include it into the video. Make the video self-explaining.
how to produce video – please read carefully
- Length of videos:
- Full paper and alt.HRI presentations should be no longer than 10 minutes.
- Demonstration and Student Design Competition presentations should not be longer than 5 minutes.
- Pioneers presentations should not be longer than 3 minutes.
- LBR presentations should not be longer than 2 minutes.
- Please follow the guidelines from ACM on how to make a presentation video.
- Please add subtitles in order to make your videos more accessible!
- Make the video self-explaining.
- Note that there are free and commercial solutions to help with recording, such as Screen Recorder or Panopto.
- As we will archive your video online, it should not contain any copyrighted material (such as background music or copyrighted images) or data that violates privacy legislation (such as images of subjects who did not give permission to be shown online).
- A suggestion: There are picture and icon databases that provide free pics and icons if they are credited correctly such as pixabay and flaticon.